American Science And Medical Writers

Note: 10,000 words are more than an average grant proposal and nearly double of an average manuscript (after excluding some text, e.g., references). Your charges may be proportionately lesser than shown here
(Please inquire for pricing)
Checking the language, and editing the sentences for structure, organization, clarity, style, and flow
Proofreading and checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, parallelism, verb tense consistency, and formatting.
Advice and suggestions to improve science
All Editing Plus Services
Make a grant proposal to match outstanding proposals, and a manuscript or review acceptable for publication.
First, we will read thoroughly and provide advice on improving science, and suggestions on its logical organization and presentation. We may ask you to update. Then we’ll rewrite the whole document line-by-line.
Word Count
Please use any of the tools available. In Microsoft Word, it is available under the Review tab.
Give us all the text and remove the parts that you do not want to be edited. This can save you money. Figures do not change word count, but tables may. We advise against editing references. The available software for references is good. Make your own word count, and if you provide the whole document, tell us only the part that we should work on.
How do I send my document?
Please, send it via email as an attachment. Our maximum file size attachment is 15 Mb. If more, please break them into two or more and submit separately. Alternatively, you can drop in your Dropbox and send us the link to download.
Click on the link to use your default email or right-click and copy the address.
Turnaround Time
Editing Plus: One week
Rewriting Science: Ten days to two weeks
Writing Science: Twenty to thirty days
A 25% deposit is required to start the work.
The 75% balance is due at the time of document delivery.
We may send you a few pages to notify that your document is ready
We accept only credit cards. No POs. (Other methods of payment are available on request.)
All payments must be made through PayPal. See detailed instruction at http://www.scienceandmedicalwriters.com/payments

100% satisfaction guaranteed. If our service did not meet your needs, we'll gladly refund all your money.